10 Tips for Starting a Career in Web3 Industry

10 Tips for Starting a Career in Web3 Industry

Starting a career in the Web3 industry is easy if you know how to start it correctly. The web3 industry, also known as the decentralized web or the blockchain web, is a new and rapidly growing field that utilizes decentralized technologies such as blockchain and peer-to-peer networks to create a more secure and transparent internet. … Read more

Web 3.0: The Next Internet Revolution for the People

Web 3.0 The Next Internet Revolution for the People

Technology and politics reflect people’s requirements at a specific point of time in history. Therefore, people in charge along with innovators like Tim Berners-Lee keep changing the international technical standards or relevant governmental policies to fulfill public’s needs. Web 3.0 is a transformation in the way we use web technologies. Web 3.0 or Web3 is … Read more